Muag 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Lub khw hauv nruab nrab hauv Ivanovo nyob qhov twg? Koj tuaj yeem yuav dab tsi nyob ntawd?

Lub khw hauv nruab nrab hauv Ivanovo nyob qhov twg? Koj tuaj yeem yuav dab tsi nyob ntawd?

Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb ntawm kev ua lag luam: thaj chaw thaj chaw, faib ua pawg khoom thiab lawv qhov chaw nyob. Kev ua lag luam occupies ib cheeb tsam loj, yog li nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau cov neeg tuaj xyuas kom txuag lub sij hawm thiab kev siv zog thaum mus yuav khoom

Kev lag luam Central hauv Sevastopol. Cov sijhawm qhib thiab cov khoom lag luam

Kev lag luam Central hauv Sevastopol. Cov sijhawm qhib thiab cov khoom lag luam

Central khw hauv Sevastopol - qhov chaw nyob ntawm daim ntawv qhia, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib. Ib assortment ntawm cov khoom nrov. Crimean khoom nyob rau hauv lub hauv paus khw yog pheej yig - dab tsi koj yuav yuav. Dab tsi yog tus nqi nruab nrab hauv Sevastopol Central Market

Khw muag khoom "Mayak" hauv Dubna - qhov chaw ntawm kev yuav khoom thiab kev ua si rau tag nrho tsev neeg

Khw muag khoom "Mayak" hauv Dubna - qhov chaw ntawm kev yuav khoom thiab kev ua si rau tag nrho tsev neeg

Khw thiab lom zem chaw "Mayak" hauv nroog Dubna yog qhov chaw ntawm kev yuav khoom thiab kev ua si, nyob hauv plawv nroog. Ntawm no koj yuav pom ntau lub khw, kas fes qab, cozy cafes, xinesmas thiab ntau ntxiv. Lub khw muag khoom "Mayak" yog qhov chaw zoo uas tag nrho tsev neeg tuaj yeem siv sijhawm zoo thiab qab ntxiag

PetShop lub khw muag tsiaj, St. Petersburg: cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog kev ua haujlwm thiab chaw ua haujlwm

PetShop lub khw muag tsiaj, St. Petersburg: cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog kev ua haujlwm thiab chaw ua haujlwm

Ntau tus neeg ua haujlwm muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no txaus siab rau kev tawm tswv yim los ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm txog "PetShop" hauv St. Petersburg. Tom qab tag nrho, qhov no yog lub khw muag tsiaj loj nyob rau sab qaum teb lub nroog, uas muaj ntau tus ceg ntoo, uas txhais tau hais tias nws xav tau cov neeg ua haujlwm tas li. Los ntawm tsab xov xwm no nws yuav ua tau kom paub seb cov xwm txheej twg koj tuaj yeem suav rau hauv lub tuam txhab no, txawm tias lawv them nyiaj hli raws sijhawm, lawv kho cov neeg ua haujlwm li cas

"Tesli": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm, kev ua haujlwm, kev xav txog tus tswv ntiav thiab lub tuam txhab

"Tesli": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm, kev ua haujlwm, kev xav txog tus tswv ntiav thiab lub tuam txhab

Kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm lub tuam txhab "Tesli". Cov xwm txheej ua haujlwm li cas yog muab rau cov neeg ua haujlwm. Kev faib tawm ntawm lub koom haum. Lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm li cas? lub tuam txhab cov txiaj ntsig thiab kev ua haujlwm. Cov chaw tseem ceeb loj npaum li cas rau lub koom haum. Kev ua raws li kev tswj hwm hauv tsev

Kev lag luam wholesale yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam ntawm txhua lub tebchaws

Kev lag luam wholesale yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam ntawm txhua lub tebchaws

Kev muag khoom yog qhov txuas tseem ceeb hauv cov saw hlau ntawm kev lag luam kev sib raug zoo, nws ua haujlwm ntau yam tseem ceeb. Vim li cas ho txhim kho nws? Lub xeev cov hauj lwm yog dab tsi?

Computer supermarket "Nyx": cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, tswj, nyiaj hli

Computer supermarket "Nyx": cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, tswj, nyiaj hli

Kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm ntawm Knicks nco txog kev ua haujlwm siab ntawm pab pawg thiab kev xav ua kom tau raws li cov qauv thoob ntiaj teb niaj hnub rau kev pabcuam. Ua li no, cov chaw pabcuam cov neeg siv khoom tshiab, cov tsev khaws khoom thiab cov chaw ua yeeb yam tau tsim kom txhua tus neeg tuaj yeem tuaj yeem paub txog cov khoom tshiab uas lub tuam txhab muab

Txoj cai kev lag luam dawb - nws yog dab tsi? Pros thiab cons ntawm txoj cai kev lag luam dawb

Txoj cai kev lag luam dawb - nws yog dab tsi? Pros thiab cons ntawm txoj cai kev lag luam dawb

Kev txiav txim siab ntawm qee qhov kev xav hauv kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb ua rau nws tuaj yeem txiav txim siab vim li cas rau lub teb chaws kev lag luam nrog ib leeg. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov teeb meem tseem ceeb sib npaug yog qhov kev xaiv los ntawm cov xeev ntawm qee hom kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb txoj cai

Yuav ua li cas kom muag tau? Txoj kev loj hlob

Yuav ua li cas kom muag tau? Txoj kev loj hlob

Kev lag luam yog tsim los kom tau txais txiaj ntsig rau tus neeg ua lag luam. Kev loj hlob profitability yog lub ntsiab qhia ntawm txoj kev vam meej ntawm koj tus kheej lub lag luam. Tias yog vim li cas niaj hnub no ntau tus neeg ua lag luam tau ntsib cov lus nug "Yuav ua li cas nce kev muag khoom hauv khw?"

Aliexpress cov lus qhia: yuav xaj khoom li cas

Aliexpress cov lus qhia: yuav xaj khoom li cas

Yog tias koj xav kawm yuav ua li cas yuav cov khoom ntawm tus nqi qis, ces sim ua kom paub txog Aliexpress lub vev xaib. Yuav ua li cas txiav txim rau nws yog ib qho yooj yim txaus los txiav txim seb koj puas muaj lub siab xav thiab ob peb feeb ntawm lub sijhawm dawb

Kuv tuaj yeem rov qab tau cov khoom luv nqi

Kuv tuaj yeem rov qab tau cov khoom luv nqi

Cov khoom luv nqi tuaj yeem pom hauv khw muag khoom. Nws nyiam tus nqi qis. Txawm li cas los xij, ob peb tus neeg paub txog seb puas tuaj yeem rov qab tau yog tias muaj teeb meem

Cov ntsiav tshuaj pheej yig tshaj: kev ntsuas thiab tshuaj xyuas

Cov ntsiav tshuaj pheej yig tshaj: kev ntsuas thiab tshuaj xyuas

Tus nqi pheej yig tsis yog txhais tau tias zoo dua, hauv kev nrhiav nyiaj txiag, koj tuaj yeem nco qee yam uas, tom qab kev soj ntsuam ze dua, tsis tuaj yeem ua rau koj lub siab xav, tab sis kuj ua rau muaj kev noj qab haus huv nyiaj txiag. Feem ntau koj tuaj yeem pom qhov kev puas tsuaj ntawm cov ntsiav tshuaj pheej yig tshaj tom qab siv ib hlis, uas tsis yog qhov qab ntxiag thiab qee zaum yuav tsum tau siv nyiaj ntau npaum li kev yuav khoom tshiab

Peb kos daim ntawv cog lus ua haujlwm nrog tus neeg muag khoom

Peb kos daim ntawv cog lus ua haujlwm nrog tus neeg muag khoom

Thaum kos cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb raws cai, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum tau coj mus rau hauv tus account tag nrho cov tsim nyog nuances. Tib txoj cai siv los kos daim ntawv cog lus ua haujlwm nrog tus muag khoom

Assortment yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam. Nws yog dab tsi?

Assortment yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam. Nws yog dab tsi?

Feem ntau hais lus, txhua yam khoom yog ntau yam khoom sib sau ua ke. Muaj cov cim qhia sib txawv uas lawv tuaj yeem raug cais tawm. Piv txwv li, lawv tuaj yeem muab faib ua pawg los ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom, cov khoom siv raw, lossis qhov chaw

Yuav ua li cas thiaj li muaj txiaj ntsig rau kev lag luam: cov lus qhia thiab kev ua kom yuam kev

Yuav ua li cas thiaj li muaj txiaj ntsig rau kev lag luam: cov lus qhia thiab kev ua kom yuam kev

Ua ntej koj qhib kev lag luam tshwj xeeb hauv kev muag khoom, koj yuav tsum txheeb xyuas kev lag luam kom ntxaws, nrhiav seb qhov twg thiaj li muaj txiaj ntsig rau kev lag luam muag khoom. Tom qab tag nrho, muaj ib txwm muaj caij nyoog uas lub niche uas koj npaj yuav coj koj tus kheej qhov chaw tau ntev tau nyob

Leej twg yog lub tuam txhab lag luam loj?

Leej twg yog lub tuam txhab lag luam loj?

Peb txhua tus tau hnov lo lus "tus neeg muag khoom" ntau dua ib zaug hauv kev lag luam thiab lwm qhov chaw. Lo lus no txhais li cas? Leej twg yog tus muag khoom? Qhov no tsis yog ib tug ntiav tes. Tus neeg muag khoom yog tus khub. Nws nqis peev nws cov peev txheej nyiaj txiag hauv kev lag luam, ua haujlwm hauv nws qhov chaw thiab, raws li, tau txais ntau dua li tus neeg ua haujlwm yooj yim. Ob lub tuam txhab loj thiab me me txaus siab rau hom haujlwm no. Lub luag haujlwm ntawm tus neeg muag khoom yog dab tsi?

Nyiaj tau los yog dab tsi thiab nws txawv li cas ntawm cov nyiaj tau los?

Nyiaj tau los yog dab tsi thiab nws txawv li cas ntawm cov nyiaj tau los?

Rau txhua tus neeg ua lag luam tshiab, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom nkag siab tias cov nyiaj tau los yog dab tsi, nws txawv li cas ntawm cov nyiaj tau los, yuav ua li cas suav, txheeb xyuas thiab npaj nws. Kev vam meej ntawm nws txoj kev lag luam ncaj qha nyob ntawm qhov no

Thaum yuav ib chav tsev yuav nrhiav dab tsi thiab koj yuav tsum paub dab tsi?

Thaum yuav ib chav tsev yuav nrhiav dab tsi thiab koj yuav tsum paub dab tsi?

Txhua tus yuav tsum paub seb yuav nrhiav dab tsi thaum yuav tsev. Kab lus hais txog cov ntaub ntawv dab tsi koj yuav tsum tau thov, yuav ua li cas txheeb xyuas tus neeg muag khoom thiab cov lus qhia dab tsi los ntawm cov kws lij choj paub txog nws yog qhov tsim nyog los coj mus rau hauv tus account. Qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo ntawm vaj tse nyob rau hauv lub lag luam thawj thiab theem nrab yog muab

"Jerusalem Bazaar": ethno-style decorations hauv Moscow

"Jerusalem Bazaar": ethno-style decorations hauv Moscow

Qhov tseem ceeb ntawm Yeluxalees bazar yog txhob txwm ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom. Qhov no yog tau los ntawm phau ntawv refinement: polishing, chased tiav. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, sophistication thiab elegance tsis ploj. Tag nrho cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub yog tus sau thiab tshwj xeeb, lawv tsis yog tsim rau kev faib khoom loj. Qhov no yog ib qho khoom plig zoo rau ib tug muam, hluas nkauj lossis cov npoj yaig hluas. Ntawm no koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub qub uas koj yuav tsis pom ntawm lwm tus

Cov khw muag khoom ntawm Brest: cov saw loj tshaj plaws

Cov khw muag khoom ntawm Brest: cov saw loj tshaj plaws

Hnub no, yuav luag txhua lub zej zog hauv nroog muaj lub khw loj (qee qhov ntau). Muaj cov khw muag khoom sib xyaw hauv nroog - muab cov khoom lag luam rau cov neeg siv khoom, cov khoom lag luam thiab cov khoom siv hauv tsev thiab kev lom zem: cafes, pizzerias, cov menyuam yaus chav ua si (TsUM, Equator, Interspar), zaub mov (Dionis, Almi), kev tsim kho ("Mile", "Mainland"). ), khaub ncaws (Shopping Center "Nikolsky" hauv Brest)

SEC "Maxi" hauv Syktyvkar

SEC "Maxi" hauv Syktyvkar

Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 11, rov qab rau xyoo 2011, lub khw thiab chaw lom zem hu ua "Maxi" tau qhib hauv lub nroog me me ntawm Syktyvkar. Lub khw twg nyob hauv nws? Hom kev ua haujlwm yog dab tsi? Nws nyob ntawm txoj kev twg? Txaus siab? Kab lus no yuav pab koj teb cov lus nug no

Npaj cov khoom muag. Hom thiab lub hom phiaj ntawm cov khoom. Kev npaj ua ntej muag

Npaj cov khoom muag. Hom thiab lub hom phiaj ntawm cov khoom. Kev npaj ua ntej muag

Kev npaj cov khoom muag suav nrog ntau yam kev ua uas tsim nyog rau kev hloov pauv sai thiab nce cov txiaj ntsig ntawm qhov hluav taws xob

Khw muag khoom "Rio", Tula: daim ntawv teev cov khw muag khoom, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Khw muag khoom "Rio", Tula: daim ntawv teev cov khw muag khoom, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Khw muag khoom "Rio" hauv Tula - qhov chaw uas cov qhua tuaj mus kav khw los ntawm ntau qhov chaw hauv nroog thiab cov chaw nyob ze. Qhov no yog vim qhov tseeb tias lub khw muag khoom nyob rau ntawm kev sib tshuam ntawm kev thauj mus los loj. Rio tseem tshuav nws cov koob meej vim muaj ntau lub khw thiab kev lom zem ntawm nws thaj chaw

Boqueria Kev Lag Luam (Sao Josep) hauv Barcelona: qhib sijhawm, yuav mus li cas

Boqueria Kev Lag Luam (Sao Josep) hauv Barcelona: qhib sijhawm, yuav mus li cas

Lub suab nrov thiab vibrant neeg ncig tebchaws lub neej ntawm Barcelona yuav ua tsis tiav yog tias nws tsis yog rau Boquería kev ua lag luam, nyob rau ntawm ib qho ntawm cov attractions tseem ceeb ntawm Spain, Ramblas. Cov neeg los ntawm cov nroog nyob ze tuaj ntawm no los khaws cov khoom qab zib tshiab thiab sib tham txog xov xwm tshiab

Khw muag khoom noj Moscow. Kev ua lag luam, fairs nyob rau hauv Moscow thiab cheeb tsam Moscow

Khw muag khoom noj Moscow. Kev ua lag luam, fairs nyob rau hauv Moscow thiab cheeb tsam Moscow

Xav tau ntau, tab sis ob peb lub khw muag khoom noj hauv Moscow muaj peev xwm zoo. Cov khoom uas muab tau zoo heev, kev tsim cov chaw ua haujlwm zoo heev. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj qhov sib txawv ntawm tus nqi thiab qhov sib txawv ntawm kev huv ntawm thaj chaw

Txhua lub khw muag khoom hauv Krasnodar

Txhua lub khw muag khoom hauv Krasnodar

Krasnodar yog lub nroog ntau lab ntxiv, uas txhais tau tias muaj ntau tshaj li qhov chaw yuav khoom txaus ntawm no. Txhua lub khw thiab cov npe tuaj yeem pom ntawm no rau txhua tus saj. Nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no peb yuav tham txog cov lag luam loj tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub peev ntawm Kuban

Tshuaj thiab wholesale. Lag luam wholesale. Cov khw muag khoom

Tshuaj thiab wholesale. Lag luam wholesale. Cov khw muag khoom

Kev lag luam ib txwm yog cov khoom tseem ceeb tshaj plaws hauv lub neej ntawm txhua haiv neeg. Txawm tias nyob rau hauv ancient sij hawm, cov teb chaws uas txhawb txoj kev loj hlob ntawm kev muag khoom nyob rau hauv lawv lub teb chaws tsis tau tsuas yog ntxiv dag zog rau lawv lub hwj chim, tab sis kuj tsim ib tug general we alth ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem yam tsis muaj kev zam. Thawj qhov kev lag luam yog los pauv cov nyiaj seem ntawm lawv cov khoom, ntawm qhov tam sim no tsis muaj cov qauv, yog li txhua yam tsuas yog tshwm sim hauv tib tus nqi

Tus nqi tulip ntau npaum li cas: nthuav lus tseeb txog paj

Tus nqi tulip ntau npaum li cas: nthuav lus tseeb txog paj

Cov paj ntau yam thiab zoo meej hauv ntiaj teb yog tulips. Nws yog lub sij hawm thaum kawg nrhiav seb lawv puas tsim nyog yuav thiab nws raug nqi npaum li cas

Giffen cov khoom: kev lag luam kev lag luam paradox

Giffen cov khoom: kev lag luam kev lag luam paradox

Nrog rau cov khoom lag luam uas tsis ua txhaum txoj cai ntawm kev lag luam, muaj lwm yam. Lawv hu ua Giffen khoom. Lawv feature yog dab tsi? Cia peb sim ua kom tiav ua ke

Lub lag luam av yog Kev lag luam av hauv tebchaws Russia

Lub lag luam av yog Kev lag luam av hauv tebchaws Russia

Kev lag luam av yog ib qho tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm kev lag luam niaj hnub no, ntau tus tab tom sim txheeb xyuas cov yam ntxwv ntawm thaj chaw no thiab nws lub peev xwm

Moscow, khw chaw "Gorod": chaw nyob, khw, qhib sijhawm, tshuaj xyuas

Moscow, khw chaw "Gorod": chaw nyob, khw, qhib sijhawm, tshuaj xyuas

Hauv tsab xov xwm luv luv no, peb yuav tham txog kev nthuav dav ntawm Gorod lub khw muag khoom hauv lub nroog, tshuaj xyuas txog lawv, nrhiav lawv qhov chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib, tiv tauj cov ntsiab lus thiab ntau yam ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb

B2C - yog dab tsi? B2C courier xa txawv li cas? B2C kev lag luam nta

B2C - yog dab tsi? B2C courier xa txawv li cas? B2C kev lag luam nta

B2C - yog dab tsi? Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm kev ua lag luam rau cov neeg siv khoom thiab kev lag luam rau cov neeg muag khoom thiab vim li cas lawv thiaj li hu ua qhov ntawd

Khw Muag Khoom "Capitol" ("Belyayevo"): khw, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Khw Muag Khoom "Capitol" ("Belyayevo"): khw, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Lub khw "Capitol" (metro "Belyayevo") tau txais kev nyiam ntawm cov neeg nyob hauv zos txhua hnub. Thiab qhov no tsis yog qhov xav tsis thoob, vim tias hauv qhov chaw no koj tuaj yeem yuav txhua yam koj xav tau los hloov kho koj lub wardrobe, thiab tsuas yog muaj sijhawm zoo

Corporation "Center": tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, khoom

Corporation "Center": tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, khoom

Corporation "Center" yog ib lub network loj tshaj plaws muag khoom siv hauv tsev thiab hluav taws xob hauv Russia. Kev tawm tswv yim zoo Corporation "Center" tau txais kev ua haujlwm nyuaj. Cov khw muag khoom tau qhib thiab ua tiav hauv ntau dua 130 lub nroog hauv 23 thaj chaw thoob plaws tebchaws Russia. Ntau txhiab daim ntawm cov cuab yeej ntawm cov npe nrov tau yuav txhua hnub hauv lub network no

Khw muag khoom "Palladium" ntawm Leningradka

Khw muag khoom "Palladium" ntawm Leningradka

Lub khw Moscow "Palladium" ntawm Leningradka nyiam cov neeg nyiam ntawm ntau tus fashionistas thiab fashionistas hauv nroog, nrog rau cov neeg uas xav yuav khoom tshiab rau tsev neeg thiab tsev. Ntxiv nrog rau cov khw, lub khw muag khoom muaj ntau yam kev pabcuam uas ua rau lub neej ntawm Muscovites xis nyob. Tseem muaj ib lub café uas muaj cov khoom noj qab

Echoes los ntawm Kemerovo: lub khw muag khoom nyab xeeb tshaj plaws hauv Volgograd

Echoes los ntawm Kemerovo: lub khw muag khoom nyab xeeb tshaj plaws hauv Volgograd

Thaum kawg lub Peb Hlis 2018, muaj xwm txheej txaus ntshai ua rau Russia. Hauv nroog Kemerovo, hluav taws kub hnyiab tau tshwm sim hauv lub khw "Lub caij ntuj no Cherry". Lub tsev khw tau hlawv rau hauv av, tua rau caum tus neeg, suav nrog plaub caug tus menyuam yaus. Qhov hluav taws no tau dhau los ua qhov hluav taws loj thib ob hauv keeb kwm ntawm lub tebchaws niaj hnub no. Tom qab qhov xwm txheej, kev kuaj xyuas huab hwm coj tau pib hauv lub tebchaws, kev tshuaj xyuas tau tsoo ntau lub khw hauv Volgograd

Lub khw "Belarus": yam ntxwv, kev tshaj tawm, xov xwm tshiab, chaw nyob, tshuaj xyuas

Lub khw "Belarus": yam ntxwv, kev tshaj tawm, xov xwm tshiab, chaw nyob, tshuaj xyuas

Taw qhia rau lub khw muag khoom "Belarus". Pem teb npaj ntawm lub hypermarket. Cov ntaub ntawv rau tus qhua: chaw nyob, sijhawm ua haujlwm. Tshaj tawm tshaj tawm thiab xov xwm hauv khw. Kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm lub khw muag khoom los ntawm nws cov neeg tuaj saib

Lublino Market. Moscow, lag luam wholesale "Lyublino"

Lublino Market. Moscow, lag luam wholesale "Lyublino"

Lublino yog ib lub zos nyob ze Moscow, tom qab kev sib hais haum, thiab txij li xyoo 1925 ib lub nroog. Xyoo 1960, thaum kawg ntawm lub caij ntuj sov, lub nroog tau los ua ib feem ntawm Moscow thiab tau los ua ib qho ntawm ntau lub nroog loj. Lyublino nyob hauv cheeb tsam sab hnub tuaj ntawm kev tswj hwm

Khw muag khoom "Aura" hauv Yaroslavl: chaw nyob, piav qhia, qhib sijhawm, khw

Khw muag khoom "Aura" hauv Yaroslavl: chaw nyob, piav qhia, qhib sijhawm, khw

Ntau xyoo dhau los ib lub khw muag khoom loj hlob hauv plawv Yaroslavl. Muaj ntau qhov lus xaiv nyob ib puag ncig nws, tab sis tam sim no Aura khw hauv Yaroslavl yog lub khw muag khoom nyiam ntawm tag nrho lub nroog. Cov neeg tuaj ntawm no tsis yog tsuas yog los ntawm tag nrho cov cheeb tsam (txawm tias nyob deb tshaj plaws) cov cheeb tsam ntawm lub nroog, tab sis kuj los ntawm tag nrho cov cheeb tsam Yaroslavl, thiab los ntawm Ivanovo, Kostroma thiab Vologda

Yuav ua li cas ntawm Central Market ntawm Yaroslavl?

Yuav ua li cas ntawm Central Market ntawm Yaroslavl?

Yog tias ob peb xyoos dhau los nws tuaj yeem tham txog kev tuag ntawm kev lag luam hauv Russia, tam sim no qhov xwm txheej txawv heev. Kev lag luam hloov pauv, hloov pauv thiab twv yuav raug hu tsis tuag. Yog li Central Market ntawm Yaroslavl tau hloov pauv, dhau los ua qhov chaw ruaj khov ntawm cov khoom lag luam zoo Yaroslavl

Txoj haujlwm tshiab: leej twg yog tus kws tshaj lij thiab nws ua dab tsi?

Txoj haujlwm tshiab: leej twg yog tus kws tshaj lij thiab nws ua dab tsi?

Nyob rau hauv kab lus no peb yuav saib seb logistics yog dab tsi. Thiab tshwj xeeb, tus thawj coj logistics ua dab tsi, nws lub luag haujlwm yog dab tsi, thiab qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev ua haujlwm yog dab tsi

Modern SEC "Tebchaws Europe", Lipetsk - tsim nyog mus ntsib

Modern SEC "Tebchaws Europe", Lipetsk - tsim nyog mus ntsib

SEC "Tebchaws Europe" (Lipetsk) yog ib qhov chaw mus xyuas tshaj plaws hauv nroog. Ntau tshaj 40,000 tus neeg tuaj ntawm no hnub so. Lub tsev muaj xinesmas nrog cov cuab yeej siv niaj hnub thiab ntau chav

Hudson Khw Center, Moscow

Hudson Khw Center, Moscow

Random qhua thiab patrons ntawm Hudson lub khw muag khoom yog ib qho kev pom zoo hauv lawv txoj kev xav tias qhov kev lom zem tshiab thiab lub khw muag khoom yog qhov chaw uas koj xav rov qab los. Tom qab tag nrho, lawv paub tias qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog nyob ze, thiab yog li ntawd lawv twb tau xaiv lawv lub sijhawm ntev dhau los

Kev lag luam khoom noj tawm sab nraud: cov ntaub ntawv, cov cai, ntawv tso cai, koom haum ntawm kev lag luam tawm sab nraud

Kev lag luam khoom noj tawm sab nraud: cov ntaub ntawv, cov cai, ntawv tso cai, koom haum ntawm kev lag luam tawm sab nraud

Kev lag luam tawm txawv teb chaws tau dhau los niaj hnub no, tab sis txhua tus neeg xav tau lossis twb koom nrog nws yuav tsum paub txog cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam zoo li no

Cov ntsiab lus luv luv ntawm lub khw "Avia-Park" hauv Moscow (St. Aviakonstruktor Mikoyan, 10): duab, khw, chaw nyob

Cov ntsiab lus luv luv ntawm lub khw "Avia-Park" hauv Moscow (St. Aviakonstruktor Mikoyan, 10): duab, khw, chaw nyob

Lub nroog khw thiab chaw lom zem "Aviapark" tau nyiam cov neeg nyiam ntawm fashionistas thiab fashionistas, nrog rau cov neeg nyiam kev lom zem thiab kev lom zem tiag tiag txij thaum pib. Ntawm nws thaj chaw muaj ntau qhov chaw uas koj tuaj yeem muaj kev so zoo, noj zaub mov, saib qhov tseeb Lavxias teb sab thiab txawv teb chaws xinesmas thiab, ntawm chav kawm, yuav khaub ncaws tshiab stylish rau koj tus kheej

Lub khw tsim kho Uruchcha nyob qhov twg? Yuav mus li cas?

Lub khw tsim kho Uruchcha nyob qhov twg? Yuav mus li cas?

Lub khw muag khoom, nyob hauv Uruchcha, yog lub chaw lag luam tshwj xeeb nrog thaj tsam ntawm 8 hectares, uas tau txais ntau txhiab tus neeg txhua hnub. Nws muaj txog 8,000 qhov chaw muab cov neeg siv khoom ntau yam khoom siv rau kev tsim kho thiab kho. Kev tsim kho kev lag luam "Uruchie" muaj qhov chaw yooj yim: Minsk nplhaib txoj kev thiab cov chaw nres tsheb metro nyob ze

Pokrovsky khw hauv Moscow

Pokrovsky khw hauv Moscow

Ib lub khw loj tshaj plaws hauv lub peev yog Pokrovsky. Nws tshwj xeeb hauv kev muag khoom ntawm kev tsim kho thiab cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb rau lub vaj thiab zaub vaj

Lub Tsev ntawm Leningrad Trade (DLT) - lub khw loj tshaj plaws hauv St

Lub Tsev ntawm Leningrad Trade (DLT) - lub khw loj tshaj plaws hauv St

Ib qho chaw zoo nkauj ntawm St. Petersburg, uas pom zoo rau kev mus xyuas los ntawm cov neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws thiab cov qhua hauv nroog, yog DLT - Lub Tsev ntawm Leningrad Kev Lag Luam ntawm Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street. Lub khw muag khoom kim heev tshaj plaws muab ntau qhov kev xav, cov tswv yim tshiab thiab lub sijhawm zoo

Moskvoretsky Market: lub vev xaib, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Moskvoretsky Market: lub vev xaib, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

Ib qho nrov tshaj plaws ntawm Muscovites yog Moskvoretsky khw. Ntawm no koj tuaj yeem yuav tsis tsuas yog cov khoom siv hauv tsev, tab sis kuj cov khoom. Tsis zoo li ntau lwm lub khw hauv nroog, koj tuaj yeem pom yuav luag txhua yam hauv nws cov pavilions. Cov no tuaj yeem yog qhov tshiab hauv ntiaj teb ntawm cov khoom siv hauv tsev, mus txog qhov tsawg tshaj plaws, thiab cov khoom noj khoom haus coj los ntawm cov neeg lag luam ntiag tug uas muag lawv ntawm tus nqi qis heev

Tshuaj xyuas cov nplai - qhov tseem ceeb

Tshuaj xyuas cov nplai - qhov tseem ceeb

Kev txheeb xyuas qhov ntsuas ntsuas muaj nyob rau hauv qhov tseeb tias kev ntsuas ntsuas thiab lwm yam ntxwv ntawm qee yam khoom thiab lawv qhov zoo sib xws nrog cov ntaub ntawv hla tebchaws raug kuaj xyuas. Cov kev ua zoo li no yog ua los ntawm cov neeg tshwj xeeb hauv chav tsev, siv cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb. Cov kev ua no hu ua - kuaj xyuas cov nplai

DM: nws yog dab tsi hauv kev lag luam niaj hnub no

DM: nws yog dab tsi hauv kev lag luam niaj hnub no

Cov kab lus piav qhia lub luag haujlwm ntawm cov neeg txiav txim siab hauv kev lag luam niaj hnub no, txiav txim siab txog qib ntawm lawv lub luag haujlwm hauv kev ua haujlwm nyiaj txiag, muag thiab kev yuav khoom

Perekrestok hypermarkets: khw chaw nyob, kev tshaj tawm

Perekrestok hypermarkets: khw chaw nyob, kev tshaj tawm

Kab lus no yuav qhia koj txhua yam txog lub khw "Txoj Kev Hla". Nws yog dab tsi? Lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm li cas? Kev tshaj tawm dab tsi tshwm sim ntawm no? Cov neeg tuaj saib puas txaus siab rau lub khw no?

Fasol khw: chaw nyob, tshuaj xyuas. Cov khw muag khoom noj

Fasol khw: chaw nyob, tshuaj xyuas. Cov khw muag khoom noj

Yog tias koj tsis nyiam mus ncig ua si ntev, ces lub khw muag khoom me me nyob sab xis ntawm lub tsev yuav yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav khoom. Nws yog precisely xws li ib tug network uas yog tam sim no dav deployed nyob rau hauv Moscow. Cov no yog cov khw muag khoom Fasol, uas twb muaj lawm, yog tias tsis nyob hauv txhua lub vaj, ces yeej nyob hauv txhua cheeb tsam

Market "Juno". Yunona Market, St. Petersburg

Market "Juno". Yunona Market, St. Petersburg

Txhua lub nroog loj muaj lawv lub khw hauv xov tooj cua. Lub nroog sab qaum teb ntawm Russia yog tsis muaj kev zam. Lub khw Yunona tau paub txij li thaum ntxov nineties rau qhov tseeb tias koj tuaj yeem yuav txhua yam ntawm no: los ntawm cov resistor thiab transistor mus rau TV thiab lub computer kim kim, txawm tias ua ntej nws txoj kev nthuav qhia

Yuav ua li cas thim qhov xaj ntawm Aliexpress. Cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev tsis kam ntawm kev yuav khoom hauv khw hauv Suav teb

Yuav ua li cas thim qhov xaj ntawm Aliexpress. Cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev tsis kam ntawm kev yuav khoom hauv khw hauv Suav teb

Nws yooj yim los txiav txim siab yuav ua li cas tshem tawm qhov kev txiav txim ntawm Aliexpress. Txoj kev yooj yim tshaj plaws los ua qhov no yog ua ntej them nyiaj rau cov khoom. Tab sis cov neeg yuav khoom muaj kev xaiv tshem tawm qhov kev txiav txim txawm tias tom qab lawv tau txais cov khoom

Cov khw hauv Mytishchi: qhov twg mus taug kev?

Cov khw hauv Mytishchi: qhov twg mus taug kev?

Mytishchi yog lub nroog me me ze Moscow. Tab sis nws tsis yog tsis muaj chaw lom zem. Tshwj xeeb, muaj ntau lub khw muag khoom hauv nroog. Peb yuav tham txog lawv hauv tsab xov xwm. Tuaj txog hauv nroog rau hnub so thiab tsis paub yuav mus rau qhov twg? Nyeem

Mytishchi khw center "Lub Rau Hli": yog dab tsi

Mytishchi khw center "Lub Rau Hli": yog dab tsi

Mytishchi yog lub nroog me me hauv cheeb tsam Moscow. Cov pejxeem yog kwv yees li 222,000 tus neeg. Txawm tias muaj pes tsawg tus, lub nroog tsis nyob twj ywm. Nws txoj kev loj hlob yog nce los ntawm leaps thiab ciam teb. Tsev kho mob, kindergartens, tsev kawm ntawv, kev tsim vaj tsev tshiab - tag nrho cov no yog kev vam meej. Muaj nyob hauv Mytishchi thiab qhov twg los so. Tsuas yog hais txog ib qho chaw zoo li no peb yuav qhia hauv kab lus

Yuav ua li cas qhib qhov kev tsis sib haum xeeb ntawm "Aliexpress"? Cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev tsis sib haum xeeb ntawm "Aliexpress"

Yuav ua li cas qhib qhov kev tsis sib haum xeeb ntawm "Aliexpress"? Cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev tsis sib haum xeeb ntawm "Aliexpress"

Muag khoom hauv Internet tau dhau los ua ib feem ntawm peb lub neej. Tam sim no ntau lab tus neeg Lavxias txhua xyoo xaj ntau yam hauv cov khw muag khoom lag luam. Qhov no txuag ntau lub sijhawm thiab nyiaj txiag. Tam sim no koj tuaj yeem yuav txhua yam hauv Is Taws Nem: los ntawm khaub ncaws thiab khoom siv hauv tsev mus rau zaub mov thiab tsheb. Ib lub niche tshwj xeeb yog nyob hauv khw hauv online ntawm Suav cov khoom "Aliexpress"

Leroy Merlin hauv Moscow: khw chaw nyob thiab sijhawm qhib

Leroy Merlin hauv Moscow: khw chaw nyob thiab sijhawm qhib

Cov chaw nyob hauv khw thiab Leroy Merlin qhib sijhawm hauv Moscow tau tham hauv qab no. Rau qhov yooj yim ntawm cov neeg siv khoom ntawm lub khw muag khoom network, cov chaw nres tsheb ze tshaj plaws tau qhia, nrog rau cov lej ntawm cov tsheb tavxij tsheb tavxij, uas tuaj yeem coj koj mus rau qhov chaw nyob

Leroy Merlin hauv Krasnodar: qhib sijhawm thiab chaw nyob

Leroy Merlin hauv Krasnodar: qhib sijhawm thiab chaw nyob

Leroy Merlin yog lub tuam txhab thoob ntiaj teb uas tshwj xeeb hauv kev muag khoom rau kev kho thiab kev tsim kho, txhim kho tsev thiab tsev nyob rau lub caij ntuj sov. Lub tuam txhab thov tias nws pab nws cov neeg siv khoom tsis yog tsuas yog txhawm rau txhim kho qhov chaw nyob ib puag ncig lawv, tab sis kuj tseem txhim kho lub neej zoo

SEC "Gallery" hauv St. Petersburg: qhib sijhawm, chaw nyob thiab khw

SEC "Gallery" hauv St. Petersburg: qhib sijhawm, chaw nyob thiab khw

SEC "Gallery" - lub khw loj tshaj plaws thiab nrov tshaj plaws nyob rau sab qaum teb lub nroog, nyob hauv plawv nroog, ib sab ntawm Nevsky Prospekt. Rau qhov yooj yim ntawm cov neeg tuaj xyuas, cov ntaub ntawv hauv qab no tau muab: lub sijhawm qhib ntawm Gallery khw hauv St. Petersburg, qhov chaw nyob meej, muaj kev tsim kho vaj tse

Qhov twg yuav khaub ncaws hauv ntau qhov muag: cov lus pom zoo

Qhov twg yuav khaub ncaws hauv ntau qhov muag: cov lus pom zoo

Nws ntseeg tias kev lag luam ntawm kev muag khoom muag yog ib qho yooj yim tshaj plaws thiab, vim li no, cov kab lag luam nrov. Hauv qhov no, tsis muaj dab tsi yuav tsum tau ua. Nws yog txaus kom nrhiav tau qhov chaw yuav khaub ncaws nyob rau hauv tej kev muag khoom. Qhov no yog lub sijhawm tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas qhov kev vam meej ntxiv ntawm kev lag luam nyob ntawm. Tus nqi qis dua, tus neeg ua lag luam muaj peev xwm khwv tau ntau dua

Rive Gauche khw hauv Kazan: chaw nyob thiab sijhawm qhib

Rive Gauche khw hauv Kazan: chaw nyob thiab sijhawm qhib

Rive Gauche yog ib lub npe nrov ntawm cov tshuaj pleev ib ce thiab cov khoom qab zib hauv Russia los ntawm St. Petersburg. Txog hnub tim, peb lub boutiques tau qhib hauv Kazan. Txhua lub lim tiam, cov khw muag khoom muaj kev nthuav qhia ntawm cov khoom sau tshiab ntawm cov tshuaj pleev ib ce, rooj sib tham nrog cov kws pleev xim ua yeeb yam thiab cov stylists. Txhua lub khw Rive Gauche hauv Kazan yog nyob rau hauv thawj pem teb ntawm cov khw muag khoom. Xav paub ntau ntxiv muaj nyob rau hauv kab lus no

Lub khw muag khoom nrov tshaj plaws hauv Belgorod "Slavyansky"

Lub khw muag khoom nrov tshaj plaws hauv Belgorod "Slavyansky"

Nyob hauv Belgorod, lub khw "Slavyansky" yog suav tias yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg nyiam tshaj plaws thiab tuaj xyuas cov khw hauv nroog. Thiab qhov no tsis yog xav tsis thoob! Lub khw muag khoom nrov heev vim tias nws muaj ntau yam zoo uas txawv ntawm cov neeg sib tw thiab ua rau nws nrov heev ntawm cov neeg yuav khoom

Flagman khw center (Yaroslavl): qhov chaw, khw thiab chaw lom zem

Flagman khw center (Yaroslavl): qhov chaw, khw thiab chaw lom zem

Nyob zoo cov qhua hauv nroog, cov ntaub ntawv no yog rau koj! Tuaj txog hauv nroog thiab xav tau kev noj sai sai? Txiav txim siab yuav qee yam khoom plig rau kev nco? Xav tau khaub ncaws sai sai? Mus rau Flagman khw center. Ntawm no koj yuav pom txhua yam koj lub siab xav. Nyeem ntxiv txog qhov chaw thiab cov sijhawm ua haujlwm - hauv cov ntaub ntawv no

Central lag luam ntawm Orenburg - ib qho ntawm cov khoom lag luam loj tshaj plaws

Central lag luam ntawm Orenburg - ib qho ntawm cov khoom lag luam loj tshaj plaws

Nyob hauv Orenburg, lub khw hauv nruab nrab yog ib qho chaw lag luam uas tau mus xyuas ntau tshaj plaws. Yuav ua li cas mus txog ntawm no, thaum lub lag luam qhib, dab tsi koj yuav yuav nyob rau hauv lub khw, dab tsi lub khw yog sawv cev rau nws thiab yuav ua li cas mus rau qhov ntawd, koj yuav kawm los ntawm tsab xov xwm

Algorithm rau kev cuam tshuam nrog kev tawm tsam hauv kev muag khoom

Algorithm rau kev cuam tshuam nrog kev tawm tsam hauv kev muag khoom

Cov kws tshaj lij uas muaj qee qhov kev paub hauv kev muag khoom yuav tsum paub txog kev ua haujlwm nrog kev tawm tsam. Txhua tus neeg siv khoom muaj peev xwm yuav muaj kev tsis ntseeg. Lub luag haujlwm ntawm tus neeg muag khoom tshaj lij yog kom tshem tawm lawv nrog cov lus teb muaj laj thawj. Yog tias qhov no tsis ua tiav, muaj feem ntau yuav poob ib tus neeg siv khoom

Daim ntawv teev cov khw muag khoom hauv St. Petersburg

Daim ntawv teev cov khw muag khoom hauv St. Petersburg

"L'Etoile" yog ib lub network nrov ntawm cov tshuaj pleev ib ce, accessories thiab perfumery khw. Cov khw muag khoom ntawm lub network tau qhib hauv ntau lub nroog ntawm Russia, suav nrog St. Muaj ntau tshaj li kaum lub khw muag khoom nyob rau sab qaum teb lub nroog

Lub tsev khw "Petrovich": tshuaj xyuas, kev pabcuam, kev pabcuam, chaw nyob

Lub tsev khw "Petrovich": tshuaj xyuas, kev pabcuam, kev pabcuam, chaw nyob

Kev tshuaj xyuas txog "Petrovich" yuav pab txhua tus neeg uas yuav hu rau lub khw muag khoom kho vajtse kom paub seb qhov ntau npaum li cas thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo uas nws tuaj yeem suav tau ntawm no. Lub tuam txhab no tau ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam hauv tsev tau ntev, tshwj xeeb hauv kev muag cov khoom siv hauv tsev. Obviously, nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam no nws muaj coob tus neeg sib tw, yuav ua li cas nws tswj kom nyob twj ywm, cia peb sim ua kom paub nws hauv tsab xov xwm no

"Fresh Auto": cov neeg siv khoom tshuaj xyuas ntawm lub tsheb muag, qhov chaw ntawm cov ceg, cov lus qhia los ntawm cov neeg tsav tsheb

"Fresh Auto": cov neeg siv khoom tshuaj xyuas ntawm lub tsheb muag, qhov chaw ntawm cov ceg, cov lus qhia los ntawm cov neeg tsav tsheb

Kev tshuaj xyuas txog Fresh Auto yuav pab cov neeg siv khoom muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no nkag siab tias nws puas tsim nyog ntseeg nws, thiab lawv tuaj yeem suav nrog kev koom tes. Qhov no yog ib tug loj enterprise uas muaj ob peb ceg nyob rau hauv txawv cheeb tsam ntawm Russia. Lub tuam txhab txiav txim siab nws lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb yog tsim kom muaj kev lag luam tsheb siv hauv lub tebchaws. Tom qab tag nrho, nws yog nyob rau hauv ntu no uas lub tuam txhab tshwj xeeb

"AvtoSpetsTsentr": tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov neeg siv khoom, hom tsheb, kev tswj hwm thiab kev ua ub no

"AvtoSpetsTsentr": tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov neeg siv khoom, hom tsheb, kev tswj hwm thiab kev ua ub no

Kev tshuaj xyuas txog "AvtoSpetsTsentr" yuav pab cov neeg siv khoom muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no kom nkag siab seb nws puas tsim nyog xaiv koj lub tsheb yav tom ntej ntawm no. Tab sis nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau lub tuam txhab no, vim nws yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg ua si loj tshaj plaws hauv kev lag luam tsheb niaj hnub no, thiab tau ua haujlwm txij li xyoo 1998. Niaj hnub no nws muaj 27 lub tsheb muag khoom nyob rau hauv lub nroog thiab cheeb tsam Moscow, nrog rau cov neeg muag khoom muag tsheb thauj khoom

"Top Shop": tshuaj xyuas, cov xwm txheej thiab nta

"Top Shop": tshuaj xyuas, cov xwm txheej thiab nta

Khw "Tsev Muag Khoom": tshuaj xyuas, cov xwm txheej thiab cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev txiav txim. Cov haujlwm thiab cov xwm txheej ntawm kev lees txais mus ua haujlwm. Kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm txog kev ua haujlwm hauv lub khw. Catalog. Kev xa khoom thiab kev them nqi, kev txhawb nqa. Cov khoom siv hauv tsev, khoom siv hluav taws xob, kev ua kis las thiab khaub ncaws. Cov lus teb los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom txog kev yuav khoom ntawm lub khw. TV version ntawm lub khw. neeg xyuas

NGO "Gardens of Russia": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom. Khw rau gardeners

NGO "Gardens of Russia": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom. Khw rau gardeners

Kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom ntawm "Gardens of Russia" yuav pab cov neeg siv khoom muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no los taw qhia lawv tus kheej, kom nkag siab txog cov khoom zoo li cas lawv tuaj yeem suav tau yog tias lawv tig mus rau qhov kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim khoom rau cov khoom lag luam. Nyob rau hauv tsab xov xwm no, peb yuav tham nyob rau hauv kom meej txog lub khw no, uas tau ntev tau txaus siab rau gardeners nyob rau hauv ntau qhov chaw ntawm lub teb chaws

TC "Central Market" hauv Ufa: chaw nyob thiab piav qhia

TC "Central Market" hauv Ufa: chaw nyob thiab piav qhia

Raws li lub npe "Central Market" hauv lub nroog Ufa, lawv txhais tau tias lub khw muag khoom nrog tib lub npe. Nws yog nyob rau hauv qhov chaw uas lub lag luam ib zaug yog, thiab nws tag nrho sib haum mus rau nws lub hom phiaj, muab nws cov qhua ib tug ntau yam ntawm cov khoom ntawm ntau pab pawg neeg uas muaj peev xwm txaus siab rau qhov dav thov ntawm cov neeg siv khoom niaj hnub no

Central khw center (Central market) hauv Ufa - qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav khoom thiab kev lom zem

Central khw center (Central market) hauv Ufa - qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav khoom thiab kev lom zem

Koj puas nyob Ufa thiab tsis paub yuav mus qhov twg? Mus rau lub khw "Central". Nyob ntawd koj yuav pom tsis tau tsuas yog cov khoom qab thiab cov khoom tshiab, tab sis kuj muaj kev so zoo hauv cov chaw lom zem thiab tau txais cov khaub ncaws tshiab

Company "Amway": chaw nyob ntawm cov khw muag khoom hauv Moscow, piav qhia ntawm lub tuam txhab, hom kev ua haujlwm

Company "Amway": chaw nyob ntawm cov khw muag khoom hauv Moscow, piav qhia ntawm lub tuam txhab, hom kev ua haujlwm

Lub tuam txhab Asmeskas "Amway" tau siv los xyaum tsuas yog muag ncaj qha los ntawm cov neeg xa khoom hauv tebchaws Russia, tab sis nyob rau xyoo tas los no nws tau pib qhib lub khw muag khoom. Tom qab nyeem tsab xov xwm, koj yuav kawm txog hom kev ua haujlwm ntawm lub tuam txhab thiab cov yam ntxwv ntawm nws txoj haujlwm. Tsis tas li ntawd, koj yuav tau paub txog qhov chaw nyob ntawm Amway khw muag khoom hauv Moscow

Qhov chaw thiab cov sijhawm qhib ntawm Central Department Store (Minsk)

Qhov chaw thiab cov sijhawm qhib ntawm Central Department Store (Minsk)

Lub khw hauv nruab nrab ntawm Minsk yog lub cim ntawm Belarusian peev. Lub khw loj loj muab cov neeg siv khoom ntau dua 50,000 yam khoom. Minsk department khw koom tes nrog cov neeg muag khoom ntseeg siab. Tag nrho cov khoom ntawm no yog cov khoom zoo thiab muaj kev lees paub zoo. Xav txog cov infrastructure, qhov chaw thiab hom kev ua haujlwm ntawm Central Department Store (Minsk)

MyBox sushi saw: tshuaj xyuas, khoom noj, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

MyBox sushi saw: tshuaj xyuas, khoom noj, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib

MyBox tshuaj xyuas yog qhov txaus siab rau txhua tus kiv cua ntawm Japanese cuisine uas xav pom tshiab thiab tseem tsis tau tshawb nrhiav cov khw muag khoom sushi. Qhov no yog ib lub tuam txhab loj loj uas muaj cov chaw ua haujlwm sawv cev hauv ntau lub nroog hauv peb lub tebchaws. Lawv tshwj xeeb hauv Japanese thiab Pan-Asian menus, uas nyiam cov neeg siv khoom ntau

Southern Dvor saw ntawm cov khw muag khoom: cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib, khoom muag

Southern Dvor saw ntawm cov khw muag khoom: cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas, chaw nyob, sijhawm qhib, khoom muag

Kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm txog "Lub Tsev Hais Plaub Yav Qab Teb" yuav pab cov neeg ua haujlwm muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no nkag siab tias nws puas tsim nyog ua lag luam nrog nws. Xav tias qhov no yog ib lub tuam txhab loj tshaj plaws hauv lub tebchaws muag cov ris tsho hauv qab, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj hauv tsev, hosiery thiab khoom siv hauv tsev, nws ib txwm muaj cov neeg ua haujlwm. Yog li ntawd, yog tias koj xav tau, koj tuaj yeem tau txais txoj haujlwm ntawm no, koj tsuas yog yuav tsum paub thiab nkag siab ua ntej seb yuav xav li cas los ntawm tus tswv haujlwm

Stylish Kitchens Pawg Tuam Txhab: Cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog tus tswv ntiav haujlwm

Stylish Kitchens Pawg Tuam Txhab: Cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog tus tswv ntiav haujlwm

Kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg ua haujlwm ntawm "Stylish Kitchens" yuav pab cov neeg ua haujlwm muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no kom nkag siab seb nws puas tsim nyog khi lawv txoj hmoo rau nws. Nws yog tsim nyog sau cia tias qhov no yog ib lub tuam txhab loj thiab muaj npe nrov nrog cov cuab yeej cuab tam zoo heev hauv peb lub teb chaws. Tam sim no, kev cog lus thiab kev npaj mus deb rau yav tom ntej tau raug tsim los ntawm no

Tsheb xa khoom "Tswb Tsav: Cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog tus tswv ntiav haujlwm

Tsheb xa khoom "Tswb Tsav: Cov neeg ua haujlwm tshuaj xyuas txog tus tswv ntiav haujlwm

Kev tshuaj xyuas txog "Tseeb-Motors" yog qhov txaus siab rau ntau tus neeg ua haujlwm muaj peev xwm ntawm lub tuam txhab no. Tom qab tag nrho, qhov no yog ib tug ntawm cov loj tshaj plaws tsheb tuav nyob rau hauv lub North-West ntawm Russia. Qhov no yog lub tuam txhab loj, uas yog tus neeg muag khoom ntawm Ford tsheb thiab cov tsheb ua lag luam, KIA lub tsheb, Ford Cargo tsheb thauj khoom thiab cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb, Fiat Professional tsheb lag luam

Perfume supermarket "Golden Apple": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom, cov sijhawm qhib, nce qib thiab luv nqi

Perfume supermarket "Golden Apple": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom, cov sijhawm qhib, nce qib thiab luv nqi

Perfume supermarket "Golden Apple": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom. Chaw nyob thiab cov sij hawm qhib ntawm lub khw muag khoom nyob rau hauv txawv nroog, yuav ua li cas mus rau lawv. Kev pabcuam thiab kev saib xyuas hauv cov khw muag khoom. Hom thiab ntau yam. Promotions, luv nqi, khoom plig cards. Tus nqi ntau hauv khw. Cov thawv zoo nkauj. Cov neeg siv tshuaj xyuas

Phau ntawv lag luam hauv Lyubertsy thiab lub khw muag ntawv "Book labyrinth": chaw nyob, cov ntaub ntawv dav dav

Phau ntawv lag luam hauv Lyubertsy thiab lub khw muag ntawv "Book labyrinth": chaw nyob, cov ntaub ntawv dav dav

Tsis paub qhov twg yuav cov phau ntawv hauv Lyubertsy? Nyob rau sab qab teb ntawm lub nroog muaj lub khw muag ntawv loj, thiab nyob rau sab qaum teb hauv lub khw Svetofor muaj lub khw Book Labyrinth. Koj puas xav paub ntxiv? Ces nyeem tsab xov xwm

Tus neeg xa khoom yog dab tsi thiab nws ua dab tsi?

Tus neeg xa khoom yog dab tsi thiab nws ua dab tsi?

Tus neeg xa khoom yog tus neeg ua lag luam lossis ib lub tuam txhab sib cais uas yuav cov khoom lag luam ntau los ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom rau kev lag luam tom ntej los ntawm cov neeg sawv cev lossis lub khw hauv cheeb tsam. Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb yog faib cov khoom thoob plaws ntiaj teb thiab tshaj tawm tus khub ua tus tsim khoom lag luam txhim khu kev qha ntawm cov khoom zoo

Yuav Ua Li Cas Txhawb Kev Muag Khoom Muag: Cov Lus Qhia Tshwj Xeeb

Yuav Ua Li Cas Txhawb Kev Muag Khoom Muag: Cov Lus Qhia Tshwj Xeeb

Koj tuaj yeem nce tus naj npawb ntawm kev muag khoom hauv khw muag khoom li cas, muab lub sijhawm nyuaj ntawm kev kub ntxhov? Cov reserves zais qhov twg?

Nyiaj ntsuab ntawm kev xa khoom txhais li cas thiab qhov kev nyiam npaum li cas yog daim ntawv them nyiaj tam sim no

Nyiaj ntsuab ntawm kev xa khoom txhais li cas thiab qhov kev nyiam npaum li cas yog daim ntawv them nyiaj tam sim no

Koj tuaj yeem them rau cov khoom muag hauv online siv nyiaj ntsuab thaum xa khoom. Yuav ua li cas? Ua ntej, cia peb txhais cov nyiaj ntsuab ntawm kev xa khoom txhais tau li cas

Vegas Khw Muag Khoom - Tebchaws Europe kev lom zem loj tshaj plaws

Vegas Khw Muag Khoom - Tebchaws Europe kev lom zem loj tshaj plaws

Qhib hauv xyoo 2010, "Vegas" - lub khw hauv Moscow - sai sai tau los ua ib qho ntawm cov neeg tuaj xyuas tshaj plaws hauv lub nroog. Tsis yog tsuas yog cov neeg nyob hauv nroog nyiam tuaj xyuas ntawm no, tab sis kuj yog cov kws ua yeeb yam nto moo, cov nom tswv, cov lag luam. Qhov no yog qhov chaw tshwj xeeb nrog ntau dua 300 lub khw muag khoom zam, ntau pua lub khw, cov tuam txhab nto moo hauv ntiaj teb

Qee lub tswv yim ntawm qhov twg yuav cov flaxseed

Qee lub tswv yim ntawm qhov twg yuav cov flaxseed

Muaj ntau tus tau hnov txog cov qoob loo ua liaj ua teb xws li flax, tab sis tsis yog txhua tus paub txog nws cov khoom kho mob tshwj xeeb. Feem ntau, cov nroj tsuag no siv ob qho tib si hauv kev ua liaj ua teb thiab hauv kev tsim khoom noj thiab tshuaj

Tus neeg sawv cev loj ntawm cov neeg lub tsheb Volkswagen - AVILON

Tus neeg sawv cev loj ntawm cov neeg lub tsheb Volkswagen - AVILON

Tus neeg nyiam tsheb uas xaiv hom "Volkswagen" yeej tsis khuv xim qhov kev yuav khoom. Impeccable German zoo, tsav tsheb thiab tsav kev nplij siab, style - tag nrho cov no ua rau lub tsheb ib tug tswv cuab ntawm tsev neeg. Txhawm rau muag cov khoom lag luam nrog cov lus tshaj tawm zoo, koj yuav tsum ua kom haum nws qib. Tus neeg muag khoom tshiab ntawm hom "Volkswagen" AVILON yog 100% raws li cov npe nrov

Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm lub khw "AIMALL City"?

Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm lub khw "AIMALL City"?

Khw muag khoom "AIMALL City" yuav rov hais dua rau cov neeg nyiam kev ua si zoo, kav khw thiab kev lom zem. Dab tsi tsim nyog pom hauv khw?

Retailer yog ib qho kev lag luam nthuav dav thiab vam meej

Retailer yog ib qho kev lag luam nthuav dav thiab vam meej

Tus neeg muag khoom yog ib tus neeg lag luam, ua lag luam lossis tuam txhab koom nrog kev lag luam muag khoom los ntawm kev tsim thiab xa tawm ntawm lub network ntawm cov khw muag khoom, koom ua ke los ntawm qee cov cim

Notes los ntawm cov neeg taug kev. Duty free: yog dab tsi?

Notes los ntawm cov neeg taug kev. Duty free: yog dab tsi?

Txhua tus uas tau mus los ntawm lub dav hlau yeej paub txog lub tswvyim ntawm Duty Free ua ntej. Dab tsi yog nws, thiab vim li cas cov khw muag khoom tsis muaj lub luag haujlwm txaus nyiam rau cov neeg taug kev? Txhua qhov nthuav tshaj plaws los ntawm lub ntiaj teb ntawm Duty Free - hauv kab lus no

Spot market. Niaj hnub muaj tiag

Spot market. Niaj hnub muaj tiag

Lo lus Askiv "Spot" txhais tau tias "chaw". Yog li ntawd, "hauv Spot" txhais tau tias "ntawm qhov chaw", thiab lub khw muag khoom yog qhov chaw ua lag luam tam sim. Nws yog qhov xav tau los xav tias lawv muag cov khoom muag hauv qhov chaw no, cov khoom thiab cov yam ntxwv uas paub zoo

Tswj lub tsheb mus rau lub lag luam tsheb hauv Lithuania

Tswj lub tsheb mus rau lub lag luam tsheb hauv Lithuania

Cov neeg nyob hauv peb lub tebchaws yeej ib txwm pom qhov chaw, vim muaj ntau yam, nws muaj peev xwm yuav tsheb ntau pheej yig dua hauv tsev. Nyob rau hauv Soviet lub sij hawm, cov no yog Uzbekistan, ces Hungary, lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab Finland. Tom qab ntawd tuaj cov ncej ntawm cov tsheb siv los ntawm Nyiv los ntawm Far East

Mastering txoj haujlwm tshiab, lossis Leej twg yog tus xa khoom?

Mastering txoj haujlwm tshiab, lossis Leej twg yog tus xa khoom?

Yog hais tias ua ntej lo lus "tshuaj" neeg tsis meej pem, niaj hnub no coob tus paub nws yog leej twg. Tom qab txheeb xyuas txhua qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo ntawm txoj haujlwm no, tau piav qhia hauv peb tsab xov xwm, koj tus kheej tuaj yeem txiav txim siab seb koj yuav dhau los ua ib tus ntawm lawv. Hmoov zoo hauv kev lag luam

Cold hu - yog dab tsi thiab yuav siv cov cuab yeej no kom raug?

Cold hu - yog dab tsi thiab yuav siv cov cuab yeej no kom raug?

Kev lag luam yog txhua yam. Txawm peb mus qhov twg los xij peb ua, peb yog cov neeg siv khoom thiab muag khoom. Nrog rau kev tshaj tawm, muaj txoj hauv kev los txhawb cov khoom thiab kev pabcuam, xws li kev hu xovtooj txias. Dab tsi yog nws thiab yuav siv cov cuab yeej no li cas hauv kev lag luam?

Txuag los ntawm kev muag khoom yog lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam

Txuag los ntawm kev muag khoom yog lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam

Yog tias, tom qab muab kev pabcuam, ua haujlwm, muag khoom, tus neeg cog lus tau txais txiaj ntsig nyiaj, qhov no yuav yog cov nyiaj tau los ntawm kev muag. Feem ntau, nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov kab lus, thiaj li yuav nkag siab lawv lub ntsiab lus, koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau parse lub ntsiab lus ntawm cov lus ntawm nws constituents. Cov nyiaj tau los ntawm kev muag khoom yog cov nyiaj tau los, cov nyiaj tau txais los ua khoom plig, thiab kev muag khoom yog qhov ua tau zoo ntawm kev ua

Kev faib tawm yog kev sib tw tsis kawg rau cov txiaj ntsig

Kev faib tawm yog kev sib tw tsis kawg rau cov txiaj ntsig

Cov khoom lag luam tsis ncav cuag tus neeg siv khoom kawg tam sim ntawd, nws mus dhau txoj hauv kev. Cov txheej txheem ntawm kev hla qhov kev ncua deb no hu ua "distribution" (lossis kev faib tawm, ob qho kev xaiv raug suav hais tias yog)

Leej twg yog cov tub luam? Txhais, essence ntawm kev ua

Leej twg yog cov tub luam? Txhais, essence ntawm kev ua

Leej twg yog cov tub luam? Cov no yog cov neeg muaj kev vam meej koom nrog kev lag luam ntawm kev sib pauv khoom lag luam. Lawv muaj lub sijhawm pub dawb, nyiaj hli siab, muaj tswv yim thiab nthuav ua haujlwm. Lawv txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv lwm lub tebchaws hauv ntiaj teb. Yog tias txhua yam zoo li ntawd, yog vim li cas peb txhua tus tsis ua haujlwm ntawm kev sib pauv khoom lag luam? Tshawb nrhiav seb txoj haujlwm tiag tiag ntawm tus tub luam yog dab tsi

Kev muag khoom - yog dab tsi? Nikolay Rysev, "Active sales". Active kev muag khoom technology

Kev muag khoom - yog dab tsi? Nikolay Rysev, "Active sales". Active kev muag khoom technology

Nyob hauv ib puag ncig kev lag luam, muaj kev xav tias lub tshuab ua haujlwm ntawm txhua lub lag luam yog tus muag khoom. Hauv Tebchaws Meskas thiab lwm lub tebchaws tsim peev nyiaj txiag, txoj haujlwm ntawm "tus neeg muag khoom" yog suav tias yog ib qho tseem ceeb tshaj plaws. Dab tsi yog cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev ua haujlwm hauv kev ua haujlwm ntawm kev muag khoom?