MTS credit cards - neeg siv tshuaj xyuas
MTS credit cards - neeg siv tshuaj xyuas

Video: MTS credit cards - neeg siv tshuaj xyuas

Video: MTS credit cards - neeg siv tshuaj xyuas
Video: Finance with Python! Short Selling and Short Positions 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Ob peb xyoos dhau los, lub tuam txhab kev sib txuas lus MTS tau pib qhov kev pabcuam tshiab - "MTS Money", uas tso cai rau koj them nyiaj ncaj qha los ntawm tsev. Siv cov kev pabcuam no, koj tuaj yeem them rau ntau yam khoom thiab cov kev pabcuam nrog cov nyiaj tso rau tus neeg siv khoom tus account.

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credit cards mts xyuas

Hnub no, MTS tau pib tsim nws tus kheej daim npav yas, uas suav nrog kev them nyiaj paub thoob ntiaj teb li MasterCard. Nrog lawv cov kev pab, lub tuam txhab cov neeg siv khoom tuaj yeem them nyiaj rau kev yuav khoom hauv Is Taws Nem thiab hauv khw muag khoom tsis tu ncua. MTS daim npav rho nyiaj, tshuaj xyuas uas tuaj yeem pom hauv net, tau tshwm sim hauv txhua lub tuam txhab cov khw muag khoom hauv nruab nrab lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav 2011. Cov nyiaj qiv txog 40,000 rubles muaj rau cov neeg siv khoom uas tau kos npe rau qhov kev pabcuam no.

Cov ntsiab lus ntawm kev sau npe thiab nqi

Thaum thov daim npav, tus qiv nyiaj tuaj yeem tau txais los ntawm 0 txog 40 txhiab rubles. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lub sijhawm muaj txiaj ntsig (lub sijhawm uas tus neeg siv tuaj yeem siv nyiaj hauv tuam txhab nyiaj dawb) yog 50 hnub txij li hnub tshaj tawm dhau los. Qhov no me me nuance yuav tsum nco ntsoov thiab coj mus rau hauv tus account yog siv credit cards. MTS. Cov lus teb los ntawm ntau tus neeg siv khoom ua kom pom tseeb tias tus neeg nruab nrab feem ntau ntseeg tias lub sijhawm muaj txiaj ntsig pib thaum lub sijhawm tau txais nyiaj thiab xav paub vim li cas nws yuav tsum them tus paj laum ntawm 23 txog 55% ib xyoos twg.

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mts nyiaj credit card

Ntxiv rau, MTS daim npav rho nyiaj, kev tshuaj xyuas uas tsis tuaj yeem ua rau kev txiav txim siab tsis meej, muaj qhov tsawg kawg nkaus uas yuav tsum tau them thaum them rov qab qiv nyiaj. Raws li ib qho ntawm cov lus cog tseg ntawm tus qauv kev pom zoo, tus neeg qiv nyiaj yuav tsum them tsawg kawg 10% ntawm tag nrho cov nuj nqis ntawm daim npav, tab sis tsis pub tsawg dua 100 rubles. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub tuam txhab kev tswj hwm tau txiav txim siab nplua nyiaj rau cov neeg tsis them nyiaj tsis tu ncua uas tsis ua tiav lawv cov luag num raws li cov nyiaj txais tau txais.

MTS Bank - credit cards

Tam sim no, lub tuam txhab muab nws cov neeg siv khoom peb hom ntawv yas:

  • MasterCard Standard - tus neeg tau txais daim npav tam sim ntawd tom qab qhov xaus ntawm daim ntawv cog lus nrog lub tuam txhab.
  • MTS (bank card) - nws txhawb nqa daim ntawv thov PayPass thiab tau nruab nrog EMV nti.
  • "MTS Money" (credit card) - nws kuj tau nruab nrog EMV nti;

Yuav kom tau txais daim npav thawj hom, koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau ua tiav qhov kev pom zoo. Cov txheej txheem no feem ntau siv sijhawm li 15 feeb mus rau 1 teev. Txhawm rau muab ob qho ntxiv, koj yuav xav tau tsawg kawg ib hnub ntawm kev tos, vim nws yuav tsim nyog tsis yog tsuas yog luam daim npav tshiab xwb, tab sis kuj tseem ua haujlwm rau cov nti hauv txoj kev tshwj xeeb, tab sis tom qab ntawd nws yuav dhau los ua tus kheej.

Kev kho ntawm MTS daim npav yas

mts bank credit cards
mts bank credit cards

Lub tuam txhab cov neeg siv khoom yuav tau them qee cov nyiaj hauv ib xyoos rau kev tshaj tawm thiab ua haujlwm ntawm daim npav rho nyiaj. Hauv thawj xyoo, nws yuav yog 0 rubles rau ib txwm phaib thiab 500 rubles rau cov uas muaj EMV nti. Txhua xyoo tom ntej, cov neeg siv khoom yuav tsum them 500 rubles ib xyoos rau kev pabcuam cov ntawv yas.

MTS daim npav rho nyiaj, tshuaj xyuas uas tuaj yeem pom tau yooj yim, tam sim no yog txoj kev them nyiaj tsis yooj yim heev. Tsis tas li ntawd, lawv raug khi rau tus neeg siv khoom tus lej xov tooj, thiab nws muaj lub sijhawm los tshuaj xyuas qhov muaj ntawm tus lej xav tau ntawm tus as khauj tsuas yog hu rau tus lej pabcuam.

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