LCD "Western Port": piav qhia, teeb tsa ntawm chav tsev thiab tshuaj xyuas
LCD "Western Port": piav qhia, teeb tsa ntawm chav tsev thiab tshuaj xyuas

Video: LCD "Western Port": piav qhia, teeb tsa ntawm chav tsev thiab tshuaj xyuas

Video: LCD
Video: Quality of Life & COVID-19 Infection Control in Existing Residential Care Settings for Older People 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Xav txog nws: koj lub tsev npau suav zoo li cas? Muaj tseeb tiag cov no yog cov chav tsev dav nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw ntsiag to, ntsuab ntawm lub nroog, muab tag nrho cov txiaj ntsig ntawm lub neej niaj hnub. Uas yog li cas qhov project ntawm lub tsev nyob complex "Western Port" yog positioned. Tej yam loj, nthuav thiab tsim nyog tiag tiag. Nws yog lub sijhawm them nyiaj me ntsis ntxiv rau qhov nyuaj, kom paub txog cov kev xav ntawm cov neeg yuav khoom thiab cov kws tshaj lij txog nws txhawm rau ua qhov kev ntsuam xyuas lub hom phiaj.

About the project

Yuav kom nkag siab txog lub tswv yim ntawm qhov project, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog los teb cov lus nug: leej twg yog tus tsim lub tsev nyob "Western Port"? Nyob rau lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2016, ib qho ntawm cov neeg tsim khoom loj tshaj plaws hauv lub nroog - PIK Group - tau txais kev tso cai los tsim kom muaj qhov chaw nyob loj. Lub embankment ntawm tus dej Moskva raug xaiv los ua qhov chaw, nyob rau hauv lub 30s ntawm lub xyoo pua xeem nws nyob ntawm no uas muaj ib tug loj trading chaw nres nkoj nyob, uas yog reflected nyob rau hauv lub npe ntawm lub complex.

vaj tsev nyob complex western port xyuas
vaj tsev nyob complex western port xyuas

Qhov project yuav tsim 4 lub tsev nyob nrogkaw yards thiab 2 kindergartens, uas yuav tsum txaus siab rau qhov uas twb muaj lawm xav tau.

Qhov chaw

Saib los ntawm cov duab ntawm tus tsim tawm lub vev xaib, Kuv xav nyob hauv thaj chaw ntawm thaj chaw nyob "Western Port" sai li sai tau. Lub quarters ntawm embankment zoo li impressive, nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau xav txog yuav ua li cas zoo nkauj qhov pom yuav qhib los ntawm lub qhov rais ntawm cov tsev. Tab sis rau lub neej yooj yim hauv nroog, qhov no, hmoov tsis, tsis txaus. Yog li cas qhov chaw xaiv zoo?

tsev nyob complex western port quarters ntawm lub embankment
tsev nyob complex western port quarters ntawm lub embankment

Yog li, cov tsev tshiab tau tsim nyob rau thaj tsam ntawm thaj chaw muaj kev lag luam: cov kev tsim kho vaj tsev nyob ntawm no, ua kom me me, tsis tau tsim kho. Lub tsev kawm ntawv qib kindergarten thiab tsev kawm ntawv ze tshaj plaws yog ob peb kilometers deb, khw muag khoom thiab txawm tias ntxiv. Lub xeev ntawm ib puag ncig tsis yog rosy tshaj plaws, uas yuav tsum raug ntaus nqi rau qhov tsis txaus ntawm cov tsev nyob "Western Port". Cov kev tshuaj xyuas kuj qhia tau hais tias lub tsev cheeb tsam tau nyob los ntawm kev lag luam kev lag luam rau lub sijhawm ntev, yog li cov av yuav tsum tau rov qab. Tsis muaj chaw ua si thiab squares nyob ze, uas Muscovites nyiam heev. Tus tsim tawm sim coj mus rau hauv tus account tag nrho cov shortcomings ntawm qhov chaw xaiv, hais txog nws lub ntsiab kom zoo dua - nyob ze rau lub Moscow River. Lub kwj deg yuav yog toj roob hauv pes thiab yuav yog qhov chaw nyiam rau kev taug kev ntawm txhua tus neeg nyob.

ZhK Zapadny Chaw nres nkoj
ZhK Zapadny Chaw nres nkoj

Kev nkag mus tau yooj yim

Tam sim no muaj teeb meem ntawm kev thauj mus los, dua vim qhov deb ntawm qhov chaw tsim kho los ntawm kev vam meej. Cov neeg nyob hauv cheeb tsam yws yws txog kev tsis muaj tsheb thauj mus los, tsheb thauj mus los ib teev, tsis muaj kev nkag mus. Yog li ntawm no yog GC"PIK" ua haujlwm los npaj kev txheeb xyuas rau thaj chaw ntawm txoj kev ntawm Zarechnaya txoj kev, los ntawm qhov koj tuaj yeem mus rau Shmidtovsky proezd. Cov neeg uas tsis muaj tsheb nyob hauv tsev neeg yuav tau siv sijhawm 10-15 feeb txhua hnub ntawm txoj kev mus rau qhov chaw nres tsheb npav ze tshaj plaws, nrog rau qhov chaw nres tsheb metro. Tam sim no, txoj kev hla ntawm thaj chaw muaj kev lag luam, kev tsheb ciav hlau, tab sis raws li thaj chaw tsim kho, qhov teeb meem yuav raug tshem tawm.

Apartments, layouts

Ib qho kev xaiv ntawm cov neeg yuav khoom muaj cov chav tsev ntawm 25 txog 130 square meters. Qhov siab ntawm lub qab nthab yog 3 meters - nws yog qhov txaus los siv koj cov tswv yim tsim qauv uas txaus ntshai tshaj plaws. Kev ua tiav hauv cov chav tsev tsis yog muab, thiab cov partitions sab hauv yuav raug cim nrog brickwork nyob rau hauv ib kab. Qhov tshwj xeeb ntawm qhov project yuav yog panoramic qhov rais thiab balconies: koj yuav muaj peev xwm txaus siab rau qhov pom. Nws yuav tsum raug lees paub tias qhov tshwj xeeb no nyiam ntau tus neeg yuav khoom: vim nws, cov chav tsev tau dhau los ua qhov kaj thiab tshav ntuj.

western port lcd uas yog tus tsim tawm
western port lcd uas yog tus tsim tawm

Ib txoj hauv kev tsim nyog rau lub koom haum ntawm qhov chaw nyob yog tus yuam sij rau kev ua tiav ntawm lub tuam txhab kev tsim kho. Yog tias koj saib cov layouts, koj yuav pom tias lawv xav li cas: qhov tseeb txhua square meter ntawm qhov chaw tuaj yeem siv tau. Tus tsim tawm tau coj mus rau hauv tus account tam sim no tus qauv - lub siab xav tsim qhov chaw siab tshaj plaws hauv txhua chav tsev, txawm tias qhov tsawg tshaj plaws. Yog li, ntawm no koj yuav pom qhov hu ua European chav tsev layouts nrog chav ua noj loj-chav nyob, wardrobe thiab chav cais.


Kev nplij siab ntawm lub neej yog qhov tseem ceebCov qauv kev xaiv niaj hnub Muscovites. Lub tsev yog qhov chaw uas koj tswj kom dim ntawm lub hustle thiab bustle ntawm lub suab tsis kawg ntawm Moscow lub neej. LCD "Western Port" (Moscow) - qhov zoo tshaj plaws uas yuav muab tau. Kev vam meej yeej tsis tau taw rau ntawm no, yog li muaj qee yam teeb meem nrog cov infrastructure. Raws li ib feem ntawm txoj haujlwm, nws tau npaj yuav tsim ob lub tsev kawm qib kindergarten rau 150 tus neeg, nrog rau lub tsev kawm ntawv. Ntxiv mus, txhua lub tsev yuav muaj qhov chaw nres tsheb hauv av, dav thiab cua sov - qhov txiaj ntsig tsis zoo tshaj lwm qhov chaw hauv nroog. Txawm hais tias thaum xub thawj siab ib muag qhov chaw nres tsheb tsis yog qhov tseem ceeb rau koj, koj yuav txaus siab rau qhov zoo dua me ntsis tom qab, thaum koj cov npoj yaig hauv chaw ua haujlwm yws txhua hmo txog teeb meem nrog kev nres tsheb thaum yav tsaus ntuj.

tsev nyob complex western port Moscow
tsev nyob complex western port Moscow

thaj chaw ntawm txoj kev yog fenced, thiab CCTV koob yees duab yuav raug ntsia rau ntawm nws, muab kev ruaj ntseg siab. Cov chaw ua si niaj hnub thiab chaw ua kis las rau cov menyuam yaus thiab cov neeg laus yuav tshwm sim hauv cov vaj. Tsis tas li ntawd, kev tsim kho vaj tse loj thiab kev tsim kho thaj chaw ntawm thaj chaw uas nyob ib sab ntawm cov tsev tshiab, nrog rau cov embankment, tau npaj tseg: yuav muaj cov chaw taug kev, gazebos thiab cov rooj zaum, thiab cov tsheb kauj vab.

Cov ntsiab lus ntawm kev yuav khoom

Tus nqi ntawm square metres yog qhov kev xaiv tseem ceeb, tshwj xeeb hauv Moscow. Nws tsis pub leejtwg paub tias vaj tse nyob hauv lub peev yog kev nqis peev nyiaj txiag loj, uas qee zaum tsis ncaj ncees kiag li. Yog li ntau npaum li cas yog qhov kev pom zoo ntawm tus nqi ntawm square metres thiab tus qauv ntawm kev nyob muaj nws cov neeg nyob hauv LCD"Western Port"? Tus nqi pib los ntawm 6.2 lab rubles rau ib lub studio ntawm 27 square meters 2. Nws yuav tsum raug lees paub tias qhov no yog ntau tshaj li kev xaiv nyiaj txiag, muab qhov chaw ntawm qhov khoom. Tus nqi txo yog feem ntau vim tsis muaj tag nrho cov tsim nyog infrastructure. Tab sis los ntawm kev yuav ib chav tsev ntawm no, koj tab tom ua qhov pib zoo rau yav tom ntej, vim tias nyob rau yav tom ntej kev loj hlob thiab kev loj hlob ntawm cheeb tsam, nws txoj kev txhim kho.

ZhK Zapadny Chaw nres nkoj
ZhK Zapadny Chaw nres nkoj

cov lus teb rau cov neeg siv khoom

Lub sijhawm nyob ntawm ntug dej Moscow nyiam ntau tus. Nws yog qhov chaw uas cuam tshuam loj rau qhov muaj koob meej ntawm qhov project, uas tau mus xyuas los ntawm ntau txhiab tus neeg yuav khoom txij li thaum nws pib. Lawv tau tswj xyuas tag nrho ntawm thaj chaw thiab muab lub hom phiaj kev ntsuas ntawm qhov project. Ib qho kev pom zoo los ntawm lub qhov rais, qhov sib thooj rau lub nroog nruab nrab yog qhov zoo tsis tuaj yeem. Tab sis txhua tus neeg uas yuav ib chav tsev nyob ntawm no yuav tsum npaj rau qhov tsis muaj kev tsim kho vaj tse: tsis muaj lub khw, cov koom haum pabcuam, thiab cov tsev kawm ntawv thiab kev kho mob nyob rau hauv taug kev deb. Qhov project muab rau kev tsim kho ntawm tsuas yog kindergarten, thiab tom qab ntawd tsis nyob rau hauv lub moj khaum ntawm kev xa khoom ntawm thawj theem. Ecology tsis yog qhov muaj zog tshaj plaws ntawm qhov project: tej zaum qhov xwm txheej tuaj yeem txhim kho los ntawm kev tsim kho vaj tse. Tab sis yog tias koj raug txwv hauv cov nyiaj, xav yuav ib chav tsev nrog daim ntawv tso cai nyob hauv Moscow thiab npaj tos rau lub sijhawm thaum thaj chaw tsim kho, qhov chaw nyob "Western Port" yuav yog qhov kev xaiv zoo rau koj. Nco ntsoov ua tib zoo saib nws thiab sau npe rau kev ncig xyuas thaj chaw ntawm lub neej yav tom ntej txoj haujlwm tam sim no.

Pom zoo: