Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Daewoo: lub teb chaws, assortment, zoo, nqi
Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Daewoo: lub teb chaws, assortment, zoo, nqi

Video: Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Daewoo: lub teb chaws, assortment, zoo, nqi

Video: Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Daewoo: lub teb chaws, assortment, zoo, nqi
Video: Tshuaj theem vim li cas thiaj tau nqi ?/ Siv kho mob dab tsi?/paris polyphylla use for? 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Cov neeg siv khoom siv hauv tsev tau paub txog Daewoo hom. Ntau tus neeg muaj tub yees, tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws, microwave ncu thiab lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob hauv tsev.

Korea yog qhov chaw yug ntawm Daewoo. Lub teb chaws muaj kev lag luam tsim hluav taws xob. Qhov no tau lees paub los ntawm cov dej num ntawm lwm lub lag luam uas tsim cov khoom zoo sib xws, cov neeg sib tw ncaj qha ntawm Daewoo.

Nyob rau hauv nruab nrab-1960s, Daewoo Kev Lag Luam tau tsim hauv Kaus Lim Kauslim. Nws tau ua ib qho tseem ceeb rau txoj kev loj hlob ntawm lub teb chaws exports. Daewoo chaw tsim tshuaj paus tau koom nrog hauv kev tsim cov khoom siv hauv tsev, tsheb, kev tsim kho software, kev lag luam.

Lub tub yees muaj peev xwm
Lub tub yees muaj peev xwm

merged nrog steel tuam txhab POSCO hauv 2017.

tuam txhab kev ua ub no

Daewoo koom nrog hauv kev tsim cov khoom lag luam engineering, suav nrog tsheb thiabkhoom seem, tshuaj lom neeg, textiles.

Ntxiv rau kev tsim khoom, lub tuam txhab tseem tab tom tsim cov roj, roj, thee hauv Nyab Laj, Australia, Myanmar. Nws koom nrog kev tsim nkoj, tsim riam phom, tsim kev sib txuas lus, kev tsim kho.

YAutomotive manufacturing

Rau cov neeg Lavxias, lub npe Daewoo tau paub zoo tias yog lub chaw tsim khoom ntawm Nexia, Matiz thiab Gentra cov neeg caij tsheb. Cov tsheb no tau nyiam ntau tus neeg Lavxias nrog lawv tus nqi pheej yig.

Briefly about Matiz

Matiz tsheb yuav vim lawv yog lub tsheb pheej yig. Lub tsheb tshiab tuaj yeem yuav tau rau 314,000 rubles nrog qhov tsawg kawg nkaus teeb tsa yam tsis muaj lub zog tsav thiab cua txias. Ib lub tsheb nrog hydraulic booster nqi ntawm 380,000 rubles.

Tsheb "Matiz"
Tsheb "Matiz"

Lub ntim ntawm lub tank roj yog 35 litres. Lub cav muaj peev xwm mus txog 0.995 liters. AI-92 kev siv roj av tsuas yog tshaj xya litres hauv nroog thiab tsib litres sab nraum nroog. Qhov ceev tshaj plaws ncav cuag 145 km / h.

Ib me ntsis txog Nexia

Nexia tsheb muaj 80 lossis 160 horsepower nyob rau hauv lub hood. Lawv cov nqi pib los ntawm 450 txhiab rubles. Cov tsheb teeb tsa yooj yim yog tsim los yam tsis muaj hydraulic booster thiab cua txias, lub qhov rais fais fab rau pem hauv ntej thiab nram qab qhov rooj.

Lub AI-92 roj av noj ntawm Nexia SOHC yog 8.5 litres rau txhua 100 km hauv nroog thiab 7.7 litres sab nraum lub nroog txwv. Lub peev xwm ntawm lub cav yog 1.498 liters. Nexia DOHC noj 9.3 litres nyob rau hauv nroog tej yam kev mob thiab 8.5 litres ntawm txoj kev loj, lub cav muaj peev xwm yog 1.598 liters. Lub tsheb tau txais lub cav plaub-lub tog raj kheej uas tso cai rau koj kom nrawm mus rau qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm 175-185 km.

Lub npe kim tshaj plaws muag los ntawm UZ-Daewoo yog Gentra

Tus nqi ntawm lub tsheb no pib los ntawm 439,000 Russian rubles. Lub peev xwm ntawm lub cav yog 1.485 liters. Qhov siab tshaj plaws ceev yog 180 km / h.

Ntau yam khoom siv hauv tsev

Muaj cov neeg sawv cev ntawm Daewoo hom hauv txhua yam khoom siv hluav taws xob hauv tsev. Nws nquag siv cov kev tsim kho raws li qhov hloov pauv tas li ntawm cov neeg siv khoom xav tau. Piv txwv li, ntawm cov tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws tsim muaj cov qauv nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws.

Ntawm cov qauv ntawm cov tub yees, muaj cov qauv ntawm sab uas tsis muaj kev ua haujlwm khov. Lub tuam txhab tsim lawv nyob rau hauv ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg, xim, nrog cov leeg ntawm ntau yam duab. Tag nrho cov khoom siv yog nyob rau hauv kev thov ob qho tib si ntawm cov neeg nyob hauv Daewoo tsim lub teb chaws thiab deb dhau nws ciam teb.

Lub tub yees Daewoo
Lub tub yees Daewoo

tshuab ntxuav tais diav muaj ntau hom kev lag luam, ntxuav hnyav, ntub dej. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, ntau tus qauv tau ncua sijhawm pib lub sijhawm, qhov taw qhia rau kev muaj ntsev thiab yaug pab.

Lub tshuab ntxuav tais diav
Lub tshuab ntxuav tais diav

Daewoo TVs muaj tag nrho cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom siv niaj hnub no, suav nrog lub xub ntiag ntawm Smart-tv, Wi-Fi, kev daws teeb meem siab.

Cov cuab yeej tu tsev

Cov cuab yeej pheej yig yog xav tau ntawm cov neeg nyob hauv tsev ntiag tug, cov tswv ntawm thaj av, tsev. Lawv cov npe yog dav thiab ntau yam.

Cov cuab yeej muaj xws li:

  • trimmers;
  • petrol saws;
  • lawnmowers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • drills;
  • sib tsoo;
  • Punchers;
  • hluav taws xob jigsaws;
  • tsev tshuab ziab khaub ncaws;
  • ncig saws

Dhau li ntawm cov no, Daewoo cov khoom lag luam suav nrog cov tshuab hluav taws xob, cov tshuab daus daus, tsheb compressors, cua sov boilers, lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws thiab lwm yam.

Pros and cons of Korean brand products

Qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom yog tus nqi qis nrog cov khoom zoo. Daewoo, uas nws cov cuab yeej tau yuav los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thoob ntiaj teb, tau tshuaj xyuas zoo, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hais txog qhov zoo, kev ua tau zoo, thiab zoo nkauj ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob.

Lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws
Lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws

Txawm li cas los xij, qee zaum muaj cov khoom lag luam me me. Qee tus neeg yuav khoom tsis txaus siab rau kev tsim cov khoom siv hauv tsev zoo, tab sis cov kev tsis txaus siab no tsis tshua muaj heev.

Korea, lub teb chaws tsim khoom ntawm Daewoo, muaj ntau lub tuam txhab loj ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab cov khoom siv hauv tsev. Tab sis lub tuam txhab no yog undoubted rival rau Samsung, LG, Hyandai. Qhov ntau ntawm cov khoom lag luam Daewoo tau nthuav dav tas li. Yuav luag txhua yam khoom siv hluav taws xob tau hloov kho tsis tu ncua.

Ntawm cov khoom muag yog tsheb, khoom siv hauv tsev, khoom siv hluav taws xob hauv tsev, cov cuab yeej thiab cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb rau tsev thiab vaj.

Pom zoo: